Sunday, August 4, 2019

Facts On Aids :: essays research papers

Facts On AIDS Cases of AIDS have been reported in 85 countries. It is estimated between 5 and 10 million people around the world now carry the AIDS virus and that as many as 100 million will become infected over the next 10 years. How can you become infected? 1. sexual intercourse a) vaginal b) anal c) oral Having another sexually transmitted disease such as syphilis, herpes or gonorrhea appears to make someone more susceptible to acquiring HIV infection during sex with an infected partner 2. blood transfusions - since November 1985 in Canada all blood and blood products are tested for HIV antibodies 3. infection drug users by sharing needles or syringes with someone already infected 4. during pregnancy, at birth or through breast feeding, an infected mother can pall the virus to her child How you cannot become infected: 1. sitting next to someone 2. touching or shaking hands 3. eating in a restaurant 4. sharing food, plates, cups or utensils 5. using bathrooms, water coolers, or telephones 6. swimming in a pool or using a hot tub 7. donating blood 8. being bitten by mosquitoes or any other insects Symptoms: Symptoms may not show for 10 years after you become infected by the HIV virus. A month or two after exposure to the virus there may be flu-like symptoms that may last a week to a month and is often mistaken for those of another viral infections. More persistent or severe symptoms that may not surface for a decade or more: - swollen lymph glands - recurrent fever, including "night sweats" - rapid weight loss for no apparent reason - constant fatigue - diarrhea and diminished appetite - white spots or unusual blemishes in the mouth Prevention: 1. abstain for sex 2.have protected sex with latex condoms whenever having anal, oral or vaginal sex 3. limit number of partners 4. do not share needles It is important to educate children for many reasons: 1. to reduce their fears about disease 2. to help delay the beginning of sexual activity 3. to encourage the use of condoms and safer sex practices if children are already sexually active There are many different aids you can use to help teach the children the facts on AIDS: - videos - games - guest speakers - quizzes - papers - presentations - question and answer periods For more information as a future teacher contact: - your local health unit or community health center - your local AIDS organization - AIDS hotlines - your doctor - your family planning clinic - library Be creative when educating children on AIDS. They love to learn about topics such as this if you put enjoyment in the learning process.

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