Thursday, June 6, 2019

I am analyzing a transcript of Jamie’s Dream School Series1 and will be identifying and evaluating language features used Essay Example for Free

I am analyzing a transcript of Jamies Dream School Series1 and will be identifying and evaluating phraseology features used EssayI am analyzing a transcript of Jamies Dream School Series1 and will be identifying and evaluating language features usedStarkey is a instructor and is in a position of authority and has a preconceived judgement his students are not serious as such, sees the need to drive home a few key facts which includes the reason for their being in school. He does this by laying emphasis on repetitive pronouns e.g. you, youve as he draws into the intercourse. Connor interrupts and thus overlaps Starkey by saying yeah right in response to Starkeys comment on some animals being faster. Starkey finds this rude and considering his position of authority and preconceived notion of the students not being particularly bright, he responds in an equally insultive manner stating Connor was fat and couldnt really move. At the point, the conversation changes from formal to versed and he uses youreThis sparks overlapping laughter and noise from the rest of the class. Connor takes it personal and uses colloquial/slang language yeah and man in his response and further insults Starkey who uses ingenuity items in response Yes // now// right in an attempt to change the conversation from informal rump to formal and overlaps and repeats by stuttering nervously this is, this is, this is and persona, personaConnor maintains an informal note as evidenced in his use of contractions and informal wrangling e.g. shit, Ill, mate, and dont. and use of a phoney start dont start, alright dont start at all because hes clearly upset.Starkey then remarks problem on that point are wi wi with Jamies food theyll be, lots of dieting opportunities now. It seems Starkey repeats words when upset. Again here, hes used wi wi and a contraction theyll indicates an informal tone.The conversation is still informal because Connor uses youre ITS, and addresses Starkey as mate AND A HEDGE dya . He also sarcastic by using polite words May I ask and immediately follows it by asking if Starkeyhas always been 4 feet tall.Starkey maintains a sarcastic note by replying from the age of thirteen.This transcript started mutilate on a formal note but turned out to be mainly informal. Connors final response Okay brings the conversation back to a forma note

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